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PUK :: Personal Unblocking Key

Save and Retrieve your PUK Code

Create an account with PUKs.co.uk today and store your PUK code with us for safe-keeping should you ever need to use it.

PUK codes are incredibly difficult to remember and, after buying a phone, the boxes and leaflets often get mislaid - and these are the very places where you store your PUK code. Therefore, to make things simple, store your PUK code with us and then you only need to remember your email address and you can access your PUK whenever you need it! Simple.

Registrations currently closed.

NOTE: It is a criminal offence for anyone to attempt to unblock a mobile phone, other than the network provider who put the block on the phone.

PAC Codes
Porting authorisation codes (PACs) are required when you change mobile phone network provider and want to keep the same mobile telephone number. For more information, visit www.paccodes.co.uk Comment

Store your PUK code here!
PUKs.co.uk offer a safe and reliable service for storing your PUK. Just sign up with us and enter your details. If you ever need your PUK just sign in and retrieve it! Simple. Just remember PUKs.co.uk Sign up here Comment

MAC Codes
Migration Authorisation Codes (MACs) are required when you want to change your broadband internet service provider (ISP) and do not want any downtime. For more information viist www.maccodes.co.uk Comment